Expert Witness Evaluation / Review

Expert Witnesses, Influential Medical Testimony You Can Trust

MedSource National has established an impressive, highly-credentialed Medical Expert Witness network that’s national in scope, quick to access and “Right Sized” based on your claims exposure. Ensuring that justice is served in a court of law often requires the testimony of expert witnesses. MedSource National provides medical experts from all 50 states to litigation firms and insurers whether for high exposure auto liability examinations or a medical record review for a slip and fall case. Our skilled experts are ready to provide unimpeachable evidence to ensure that your client’s injuries receive a fair evaluation by the judge and jury.

Communication is Key to Expert Medical Testimony

Success in a case requiring an expert witness relies on open communication between our clients and the medical professionals serving as experts. Involving multiple levels of touch and quality assurance by our team of former medical and legal industry professionals, every member of our Expert Witness team is able to speak knowledgably and with authority. The result is precise, trustworthy medical expert testimony that judges and juries can trust.

Our national network of medical expert witnesses has diverse expertise and can provide expert testimony in all medical specialties.

To arrange expert witness testimony or to learn more about MedSource National’s services, call 800.891.8262